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Posts Categorized: hockey

Serious Sport Injuries in Canada – Dying for the Love of the Game

Serious sporting injuries and death, while infrequent, do occur within amateur sports in

Rugby death in 2007.  As widely reported (see yesterday’s Toronto Star article here), the 2007 sporting death of 15 year old Toronto high school rugby player Manny Castillo led to the criminal sentencing yesterday of the assailant (then 16 years old).  The 16 year old who tangled with Mr. Castillo was initially charged criminally with aggravated assault and then later charged with manslaughter.  He received a probationary sentence and other conditions but will not face jail time.… Continue Reading

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Who says Shinny Hockey is free?

Earlier this month, the Quebec Superior Court awarded $44,000 to the parents of a 9 year old boy who suffered personal injury and lost some teeth while skating on a public outdoor rink.  The accident occurred when a 15 year old boy, playing shinny hockey on the same outdoor rink, negligently shot a puck and hit the 9 year old in the face. The case went to Trial and the victim was awarded damages reimbursing him for some of his medical expenses incurred and loss suffered.… Continue Reading

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