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Posts Categorized: government

Investigative Powers for the 21st Century Act > Proposed Legislation

As widely reported, the federal government has just introduced Bill C-46 and Bill C-47 which propose to increase the responsibility of internet providers to keep information about users and materials sent over their systems and potentially increase the access of police forces to this information.

Reporting by the CBC and others has been extensive, focusing generally on privacy concerns.

Both Bills have only been introduced in First Reading and it is unclear whether they ultimately will be passed.

In Ontario as background, the Information and Privacy Commissioner (Ontario) office deals with privacy concerns of Ontarians.… Continue Reading

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SARS Lawsuits Struck > No Claim Allowed Against Province of Ontario

SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) was an issue in Toronto in 2003.  The disease was largely contained to hospital and health care workers and further information from the WHO (World Health Organization) is found here.

A number of lawsuits were brought as a result of SARS and recently, five cases were decided together by the Ontario Court of Appeal.  All five cases dealt found that the Province of Ontario could not be found to have a private law duty of care to any of the plaintiffs; each of the Statements of Claim were struck as against the Province of Ontario.… Continue Reading

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