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Car and Road Laws are Getting Tougher in Ontario

Some of Ontario’s laws are attempting to make car and road use safer in our province. Changes include the prohibition of cell phone use while driving and prohibition of smoking in a car with minors present.

Most recent are the changes in Ontario’s Highway Traffic Act, which has imposed speed limiters upon all tractor trailers operating in the province.

Speed limiters prevent tractor trailers and other large commercial vehicles from exceeding 105 km/hr.

The speed limiter law is found in s.68.1 of the Highway Traffic Act as well as the accompanying Regulation. While the speed limiter law came into effect on January 1, 2009, there was a six month grace period to phase in use and comply.

Generally the speed limit on Ontario highways is 100 km/hr.

In 2007, Ontario introduced anti-street racing legislation, by way of s.172 of the Highway Traffic Act and accompanying Regulation, to increase the punishment for street racing of cars. The fine has been increased to $10,000 and your vehicle can be impounded.

As background, see our:

April 7 blog on proposed and anticipated changes to Ontario’s Accident Benefits system and other regulatory issues concerning motor vehicles; and
April 24 blog on the new Countering Distracted Driving legislation and the Road Safety Act, 2009.

Gregory Chang

Toronto Insurance Litigation Lawyer