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Ontario property owner might be liable for your accident

If you have been injured in an accident that occurred on someone else’s property, the property owner or another party responsible for maintaining the property might be liable for the damages you have suffered. The Occupier’s Liability Act requires that all property be maintained in such a way that it is safe for anyone who enters the property as well as for those in close proximity to the property. This includes public as well as private property.

Suppose, for example, that you were on public property and fell because you slipped on a wet floor or an icy sidewalk. Depending on the exact circumstances, the wet floor or icy sidewalk might be considered a dangerous property condition, and the property owner or manager may have been negligent in not correcting the condition.

In order to seek compensation, though, you should be aware of certain time constraints. If your accident happened on municipally owned property in Ontario, you must submit a written claim within ten days of your accident. Failure to do so could render your claim invalid. As odd as this might sound, that condition applies even if you are hospitalised for a while.

If your accident occurred on private property, you have up to two years to submit a claim. However, it is usually to your advantage to file a claim as soon as possible because the longer you wait, the harder it may be to prove your claim. Also, if you mistakenly believe that the property was private when it actually was public, you could miss the ten day window for filing. If you need help figuring out who is responsible for your injuries or don’t know how to proceed, please visit our page on premises liability.