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What is the new framework to keep novice drivers safe?

Novice drivers often make mistakes on the road that cause an accident, leading to serious injury or death. For this reason, many countries are looking into ways to help beginner drivers to improve their skills in an efficient and effective manner.

A recent report by The Traffic Injury Research Foundation studies the new comprehensive Graduated Driver Licensing framework. This has been developed to deal with the increased crash risk of new and young drivers.

The framework is unique in many ways, including the implementation of driver education, testing requirements, and most importantly, in-vehicle monitoring. With this mix, there is hope that the framework will improve the safety of novice drivers.

Even though the focus of the report is based on the United States, the new framework is built to be applied to all Graduated Driver Licensing programs throughout the world. With best practices in place, the framework allows for the creation of a targeted program that shares the goal of enhancing the driving skills of young drivers, while also reducing the number of accidents.

Every year throughout the world, teenagers look forward to getting their driver’s license. They are ready to take to the open road on their own, realizing that this is the first step to gaining more independence. While there is nothing wrong with this, some teens are not ready to drive on their own just yet. Subsequently, they cause an accident that harms them or another party. The resulting injuries and damage cost everybody involved, including the economy, a lot of time, resources and money.

Source: The Traffic Injury Research Foundation, “A New GDL Framework: Evidence Base to Integrate Novice Driver Strategies,” accessed April 21, 2015