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Car Insurance Changes in Other Provinces – Nova Scotia Implementing Reforms

Nova Scotia is seeking to implement car insurance reforms in 2012 and 2013.

In 2012, some of the changes will be to increase benefits to people in accidents:

Benefit Category                               Current Benefit                            New Benefit        

Medical And Rehabilitation Expenses                 $25,000                                       $50,000

Funeral Expenses                                            $1,000                                         $2,500

Death Benefits

  • Head of Household                                    $10,000                                        $25,000

  • Spouse of Head of Household                     $10,000                                        $25,000

  • Dependant                                                $2,000                                          $5,000

Loss of Income                                             $140/week                                    $250/week

Principal Unpaid Housekeeper                          $70/week                                    $100/week

These benefits changes are generally similar in scope to Ontario’s changes.  In Ontario, however, there are: no housekeeping benefits any longer under the standard coverage package; funeral expenses are $6,000; and income loss benefits (IRB) can be $400 per week.

In 2013, Nova Scotia is looking to introduce “diagnostic and treatment protocols for minor injuries”. This would be similar to the system in place in Ontario currently.

It should be noted that Novia Scotia has a cap on the pain and suffering awards available in “minor injuries” car accidents, being a limit of $7,500.

More Background Information

On Ontario’s changes to the Accident Benefits regime, please our previous blogs see:

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