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Lawsuit Against Ottawa School for Long-Term Bullying of Child

A recent news story covered by Ottawa media including the Ottawa Citizen on a new lawsuit arising from alleged long-term bullying of a 10 year old girl.

The lawsuit alleges that the school failed to stop bullying of the 10 year old girl despite repeated requests from the parent and alleged obvious signs of bullying.  The allegation is that the bullying appeared to last an entire school year.

One allegation includes, “(the 10 year old girl) was cornered in the washroom by the (bully), who threatened to kill Jaclyn and her parents if Jaclyn reported the incident.”  These allegations are unproven at this time.

In this case, the 10 year old girl has since been removed from the defendant school and now attends another school.  It is assumed that the bullying stopped since the change of schools in June/2008.

Death Threat Against Your Child

In our April 14/2009 blog, we discussed the issue of “death threats” against your child and an option that parents might consider if it did not appear that the appropriate authorities were responding to the threat(s).  In that sad situation, the parents of Stefanie Rengel acted quickly and with appropriate restraint to a threat against their 14 year old daughter, but their warnings were ignored by the aggressor.