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Auto Insurance Changes in Ontario – Part 9

There were other changes introduced in September, 2010, along with the new SABS (Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule) in Ontario.

One minor, but important, change for consumers is the addition of an appraisal requirement when dealing with car repairs arising from an accident.  Now, if you request an appraisal, the insurer will then perform it.  In the past, an insurer was not required to provide an appraisal even if requested.  See Ontario Regulation 40/10 for the amendments to Ontario Regulation 777/93.

Further to our blog on October 4, 2010, another issue that is important for consumers is the elimination of the use, by insurers, of your credit information when considering your application for renewal of your insurance policy.  See Ontario Regulation 37/10  for the amendments to Ontario Regulation 7/00.

For further information on changes to Ontario’s SABS (statutory accident benefits), see our Accident Benefits blogs here.