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Brain injuries: causes and effects

Ontario residents might not be aware of the pernicious nature of acquired brain injuries. When people suffer post-natal damage to the brain on account of a traumatic or non-traumatic event, they may be susceptible to memory loss, communicative disabilities and even paralysis.

The prevalence of acquired brain injuries is not just a national issue, but a local concern as well. Countrywide, the number of victims reaches approximately 50,000 annually, according to statistics. In Ontario alone, some 44 people per day suffer an acquired brain injury, many of them due to accidents involving automobiles or in the workplace.

Sports incidents and accidental falls also contribute to the public health issue of brain injuries. Because the brain is responsible for controlling movements, behaviors, emotions and cognitive action, an injury to this central governing organ is likely to have profound implications that can affect the quality of life. For instance, people who suffer brain injuries may become paralyzed or prone to seizures, experience dulled or impaired senses, lose the ability to recognize their family members and experience emotional afflictions, such as depression and anger management difficulties.

Brain injuries may also inflict indirect damage upon the loved ones of the victim. This may be due to the injured individual’s widespread and absolute dependence on others or the myriad financial costs associated with furnishing a brain injury victim with medical care.

In fact, the medical bills stemming from a brain injury can accumulate in rapid and intractable fashion, leaving victims and their families with significant financial stress. However, they may seek civil remedies for the pecuniary damages suffered in connection with the brain injury if a preponderance of evidence indicates that the originating accident was caused by another party’s actionable behavior, such as negligence. By filing a personal injury lawsuit and prevailing, victims may receive financial compensation for medical bills, expenses associated with rehabilitation and therapy and even lost wages.