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Traumatic brain injuries after a car accident

Each year in Ontario, many people suffer from traumatic brain injuries in car accidents, diving accidents, falls and sports. When you or a loved one have suffered a traumatic brain injury, you may be facing a lifetime of devastating personal injuries.

You may have experienced a permanent change in your personality, a loss of senses including touch, taste, sight or smell or cognitive impairments. Some people with brain injuries have difficulty with speaking and other forms of communication as well. You or your loved one may have memory problems, an inability to control your emotions, fine motor skill impairments and difficulty with reading or writing.

When you have suffered such an injury, it is important for a medical professional to be able to assess the severity of the injury. By receiving a medical examination, you may be better informed about the prognosis of the injury as well as the potential impacts it may have on your life. If your injury is determined to be a catastrophic one, you may be eligible to receive statutory access benefits, according to the Statutory Access Benefits Schedule of between $2.5 to $3.5 million for the losses you have suffered.

At Bougadis, Chang LLP Barristers, our team of legal professionals understands the significant impact families can face when a loved one suffers a traumatic brain injury. We are dedicated to helping our clients and regularly involve medical professionals, accountants and financial experts to help our clients understand the extent of their injury and their potential losses from the traumatic brain injury. In order to better help those who have received a traumatic brain injury in an accident, we have gathered information concerning such injuries. If you have questions regarding a traumatic brain injury, you may be able to gather additional information by visiting our Toronto traumatic brain injury page.

Source: Bougadis, Chang LLP, “Toronto Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer“, Dec. 04, 2014